
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Engine blocks going away for new cam bearings but once done rebuild can start but what colours to go for. Simple white with black accessories?!. Black maybe with silver?! Answers on a postage stamp. 

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ford v6,,,,its,,got to be  mid,blue or red,,,,,,,,,,,

Id go mid blue block and sump, red heads and again mid blue for top covers.

Black car, yellow engine block and heads, black and shiny ally bits... Win.

I have just started to paint my Essex V6 block red.  I going red block, black heads.   I did once see an Essex that was a red block with silver heads that looked well.  It's a matter of personal choice.

Red block and heads, chrome accssories, red chassis and a Chrome full body wrap !!!!   WOW. 

Oh No,everybody does red !  It won't go any faster you know, that only applied to red motorbikes :-)))

my opinion exactly Vern......shame as i like red as a colour but if you banned red and BRG cars off the road 90% of sports cars would disappear over night ;-)

I wasn't suggesting we should ban them as that would be two of my three :-(  As a kid it was always red motor bikes are fastest except for my yellow Fs1e of course :-)))))

Budding rossi ? back then it was Barry Sheene, Kenny Roberts and Eddie Lawson we were all trying to emulate on our 'peds' :-)

All my mates had either a Fizzie or the Suzuki equivelent, all I could afford at the time was a Puch Maxi !!!!!  3 speed with a gear change that was like a left hand twist grip, would do 32 mph going down hill :-)  it even had a go faster chrome tank.   Happy Days.

All good points. Would pink make it go faster I wonder. Lol

As long as it's 'hi vis' flourescent pink not some wishy washy girly colour...


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