
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Dave Price's Blog – December 2010 Archive (4)

Project Hunk of Junk - Christmas Presents

My wife gave me some Christmas presents for the project.  She did not get me the 4 point harnesses.  She got a new radio for the garage and a new pair of overalls.  She is either supporting the project or just wants me out of the house.

Added by Dave Price on December 29, 2010 at 20:29 — 1 Comment

Project Hunk of Junk - Veg Rack

Now that we are in the Festive Season my wife has decided that the empty engine makes a good place to store the Christamas veg.  Currently placed on a plywood sheet in the engine bay is a collection of spuds, carrots and other fesitive veg.  So suppose it is s vesitile car

Added by Dave Price on December 23, 2010 at 13:49 — 7 Comments

Project Hunk of Junk - Phaeton rear

Spent the morning of my day off sorting the garage. When I had got the hundreds of eBay parts and boxes out of thw ay I had a good look at the rear of the Phaeton. It has always looked a little lower on one side than the other (lower on the drivers side rear). Checked various dimensions under the chassis, axles, bodywork. The final conclusion is that the rear tub is loose and sitting lower on the drivers side rear corner. You can easily see this as the overrider hangs down a lot lower below the… Continue

Added by Dave Price on December 8, 2010 at 12:30 — No Comments

Project Hunk of Junk - parts tidy up

My garage is starting to overflow with eBay sourced car parts (my wife says more rubbish for the Hunk of Junk). I am now in a position of not really having any working area to carry out any work on the car. Given that my father-in-law is due to arrive in a fortnight to stay for 3 weeks over Christmas and that he is a retired vehicle engineer. I need to have a tidy garage so I can utilise his labour and skills to progress the engine rebuild and the diff rebuild. I have decided to take next… Continue

Added by Dave Price on December 2, 2010 at 22:01 — 6 Comments

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