
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

I just looked at the owners web site. I can not see the form for paying by paypal. Also its been that long since we had a magazine I dont know the pass word. How am I suposed to view the members pages. I have been a member since 1997 without a break any thoughts on were to get the pass word.

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Comment by Adrian Southgate on May 9, 2011 at 0:05

I have modified the paypal button.

Hopefully this will work better than the previous one.


Comment by Adrian Southgate on May 8, 2011 at 14:16

I will attack the site tonight and get a new button coded, will post back here when its done, thanks for being patient.


Comment by Dave Adams on May 8, 2011 at 7:38
P.S. the website password is the one to be found in April's 2010 edition of Dutton Torque.
Comment by Dave Adams on May 8, 2011 at 7:35

bear with Adrian lads we are trying to implement lots of changes to the way the club is run, one is membership payment via paypal. as you will understand we are all amateurs at this, none of us web designers and often something will work in I.E. but not in Firefox but will be ok ish in Chrome, or any combination of the above. it is not always as straight forward as you think. that said anyone out there with web design experience who could put there hand up and help out will be much appreciated.

The lack of Dutton torque magazine was brought up at Stoneleigh and Piers claims to only have enough articles for a small magazine........cough cough.....i personally have sent 6 to him, (look at MrG's site) others have also sent stuff to him, as always there were no volunteers for the position of magazine editor, that can also be changed if someone feels they can put together 2-4 magazines a year from members supplied articles and trawling the past editions for relevant articles for reprint.

The club lives and dies on it's membership, its not run for you but by you.

Comment by Paul Thomas on May 7, 2011 at 20:57
When you fill the form out there should also be a box for your membership number that is if you are an existing member tryring to renew.
Comment by Adrian Southgate on May 7, 2011 at 0:30

Hi Paul

Currently working on the paypal/forms issue so the page might be down for servicing while we upload a new version.

Comment by Dave Adams on May 6, 2011 at 20:48
i know it.....i could PM you with it if you like....well to be honest its been so long it could just be posted. or not

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