Hi Everyone
I've just removed the front spoiler on my car to do some repairs to the front of the bodyand I'm going to strip and respray the spoiler at the same time, my question is should I spray it black or do I colour code it yellow the same as the body?
I wondered what opinions people have on this.
I'd say match the colour with the body on yours as its bright yellow.
Same colour as the bonnet stops it looking like a bolt on extra, could go the whole hog and glass it in properly if you doing work on the bonnet anyway ....... tis a lot of extra work though, but worth it.
What colour is the back end?
If its got no back bumper then it doesn't matter. If the back is black then get that painted as well.
Thanks for the replies, you've all confirmed what I wanted to do.........paint it all yellow.
The rear bumper is black and so is the boot so this will all be done ready for next year as well, ultimately I'd like to strip the car and start again and maybe I'll glass in the spoiler at that stage and maybe change the colour to red but it does look good in the yellow.
What series is your Phaeton Neville?
From the angle of the photo I can't tell if its a 1, 2 or 3 (very small picture + dodgy eyesight)
ETA - I answered my own question and checked what history we had on this, yes its a late series 3, So the back bumper is a separate item.
Yes it is a series 3, I'd love to see what history you have on this car
I would paint the black on the back and it white. I believe that a good combination of colors adds to the looks.
I thought I'd share some pictures of my bodywork repairs so far, it has become more work than I thought to repair and it didn't help having to work in Michigan for nearly 2 months but progress is now being made........ Paul you talked me into it and I've blended it all in..........all I need now is to give it a wet sand and then into primer. As you can see I have also cut the the back of the ducts to allow me to tip the body forward without it hitting the anti roll bar.
Looking great Neville, its worth the extra work so it looks all part and parcel. Well done sir.
Its finished at last and back on the road, well at least until winter again. I've also sprayed the boot to match with the bumper and mid section to do come this winter when she will have new seats, carpet dash etc. Engine wise I've rebuilt the head with a new cam, bearings and followers and new oil seals and no more smoke which pleases the wife no end.
well done. it looks great :-))) love the colour
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