
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

some pics of the rebuild process,

the top trailing arm bracket is broke......

the diff is sloping back a little (looking up) so that will need sorting.......

As you can see there isn't a lot of bracing in an S1 chassis, that will be sorted.

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Ihave 3 or 4 steering wheels of  varying sizes 3 with triumph boss' s  only one ford boss (mountney type) it's too tall. I need one about 50-60mm height....not the 100mm I have.  anyone got a spare?

Dave, there are two diameters of spline drive so it depends on which column you are using. 

Get calipers around the splines and let me know what the diameter is and I'll see what's in the unit.

The spline is 17mm.......it's an old escort column.....mk 1 I think. 

I'll have a look either later tonight or tomorrow, 17mm across the edge of the teeth ?

Yup...17mm across  the splines....quite fine splines as well......

Escort mk2 column is 17.5mm and I don't have any of those. Checked all the 'spares' against a mk2 shaft...

I do have a few smaller ones though they are 16mm, two of those are about 50-60mm deep mountney PCD one is sparco PCD (70mm) but that is going on XSC as it has a quick release. I checked all of those against a small diameter shaft which I think is mk1

I also have a really long shaft, too big for an escort, which is 16mm.

Vernier gauges give 17.5mm.......


That looks like a mk1 stalk, mk1 switchgear but a mk2 inner column. 

Maybe a 'not definitive' mk1 sort of 'between years' column then. The only thing I might have that would help is a bit of a hybrid. It doesnt have any splines at all but I reckon you might be able to make it fit. Do you have any other columns you could use to punch the splines into the boss if the hole was the right diameter? 

I have mk2 columns in the Sierra and CMV and one all refurbed ready to go into XSC. All the others are 16mm :(

Daryl....your triumph boss was/ is much shinier ......that old one is .....a bit poorly. the steering wheel that came with your boss is now on the ford boss i have......

i have a 17mm drill...it might be worth seeing if i could "modify" the less good triumph boss.....

the triumph columns i had were too short  by over a foot or so. one was in better nick and went in a trade to someone who really needed it. the other needed new bush's and was really knackered so went for scrap. that left me with the ford column.

the steering wheel you sent me replaced mine which was loosing all its stitching.....

I've still got the wheel in the below photo here if it's any good as a temporary solution Dave? The boss is built in to the wheel on this one, it's the one from this discussion where I had the same problem as you


@ Pete......just might take you up on that offer.....i will phone you tomorrow.

@ Big Vern........I think its a Mk 2 Escort column.....the boss on my steering wheel is quite tall at about 100mm......


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