
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

some pics of the rebuild process,

the top trailing arm bracket is broke......

the diff is sloping back a little (looking up) so that will need sorting.......

As you can see there isn't a lot of bracing in an S1 chassis, that will be sorted.

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Wasn't accusing you either.....but it felt like you were.....if DVLA have coked up they will sort it....

Wouldn't bank on either of you being happy with that result to be honest.

I've now had two genuine Dutton's refused the V5C due to clerical errors in Swansea 25 years or more ago... Both were Q plates and not eligible for historic status either...

its a real bummer......i suspected something like this would happen with my luck. DVLA have assured me that my car is ok to pit on the road. so i will proceed.

If there has been a mistake at 'the office' then they could always issue you with a different age related plate against the P****production number thereby allowing Rob to retain the TT number. 

Rewire almost completed.....most of the switches are spst types... ( on - on) it makes it a bit of a pain for some functions. ...so lights heater blower and wipers have two switches. ..off-on and hi-low......fairly neat in reality.

It also means there is a total of 16 relays and 20 fuses...

Oh....and two relays for hazards and indicators.....one each obviously. ....

engine management need 4 for the engine processes and two others for ignition "ON" and cooling fan.

then there are 10 others for the lights wiper and heater plus a second ignition "on" relay for under the dash.....the lights need 3, sides dip and mains....heater needs two fan on and hi/lo speed, as does the wipers, one for the horn. ignition "on"  thats 9 extra...cannot remember what the other is for....

so......an update...

the dash is about done...

i have had loads of gremlins ......which all turned out to be relay related...some relays have a different pin arrangement from other relays even though the pin out shape is the same for both types (well more than two types)...once i checked all the relays the electrics worked as they should.

oh and my 4 way fuse box needed replacing as it was not making reliable connections.....

the wiring on the "back " of the fuse / relay board are a bit messy looking ......but look at any car they are all the same...they always look like a kitten has been in there....

been checking the wiring......and every thing seems to work. the only issue i have at the moment is the immobiliser seems to only disarm when it wants to......i have had to connect the LED so i can tell when its going to play nicely....

it could well be in just one colour primer this weekend...it could also be scrapped....its 50/50 at the moment....

weirdly....DVLA have confirmed i have a log book and that the car wont need inspecting again.....that however wont be the case for any other long abandoned project which goes back on the road from now on.....i was lucky i got my car inspected before the closure of local DVLA offices and before the rules changes recently.....i got lucky.

they do tell me that they are looking to harmonise all of the rules for cars......that wont be good news for other rebuilds, they have told me that even engine changes could lead to IVA tests before long. they really dont seem to understand the hobby.

Interesting Dave, there is no legislation listed or in consultation on this. The IVA is the VCA's responsibility as is all type approval - VOSA implement the IVA for VCA. DVLA are just responsible for the paperwork (something they are not very good at considering its their job!) DVLA and the cops have long wanted an end to ALL post reg modifications but VCA were always insistant the IVA is for vehicle registration so I don't see how changing an engine will need an IVA unless the vehicle structure is changed. As for harmonising the rules Brexit threw a mahoosive spanner in those works as almost all but IVA type approval will have to be done in europe now as the VCA that does brittish type approval is in Brittain and we are no longer part of europe.


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