
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

To night going overa speed hump my drivers side strut spring seat disintergrated so my sierra is off the road until i can replace it.....any one got one please?

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my sierra drove grate 70 80 no probs i evan had it up to 110mph thats not bad for a 1600 xflow with a 4speed box. (just could not resist showing up a boyraser) LOL the only prob i had was the noise from the exhaust.
Bother of epic proportions! Until I can get dannys or adrians struts stored I have done this today.....works very well.....
That was bodge not bother......stupid predictive text.....
And another.......
Why does Chitty Bang Bang come to mind? (note to self stay away from Hull for next couple of weeks)
It works very well done several trips to the tip and had to go over loads of speed humps. One thing I will say the car sits leveller than it did.

Dave T says "Chitty Bang Bang"  he may have a thing there with the 'bang' part.......looks like a decommitioned I.E.D (imporovised explosive device) 

What ever it looks like, I take my hat off to you Dave, great stuff. THE TRUE SPIRIT OF DUTTONEERING. 

My options were limited...the offer of two pair of struts with out brake calipers, and not having any m16 calipers to use. (my calipers are P6!) left me with no choice but to remake the spring seat out of 2mm X 30mm flat bar . It is 3 braces 120 degrees appart with a 1•5mm X 25mm flat bar wound into a spiral so tbs spring sits true on it....
I didn't get time to go over the lockup Dave but I do know they are complete legs from disc and caliper to strut top, complete with knackered brake lines mate.


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