
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

I need photo's of Dutton chassis, bare chassis if possible, unmodified if possible and they need to be done to a set of specs, anybody that can help?

I am going to get them drawn up in a CAD package so that you, the club member, can download a sectional picture and then sketch any modifications you wish to make on a plan before making them. I am going to start with my Phaeton chassis when I next go over the lock up, i'll post the photo's up so you can all see what I need. I will also need some measurements taken in millimetres so they can be drawn to scale. 

Anyone with a currently bare chassis project please get in touch and I'll give you details in advance.

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Nice one Andrew, that must have taken a while.

It will be a great help in producing a set of drawings.

About an hour but had loads of help from 4 year old step son lol

Ahh the young trainees are great if you get them early enough :-)

The long term aim is to make up a set of CAD plans which can be viewed online in an explorer window and moved about/zoomed in and out etc. Backed up with a set of detailed drawings which can be downloaded free or printed and sent out at cost to club members.

I might have a crack at learing a CAD package myself dependat if one is available free for linux based computers, if not then I have to call in a favour or two to get them done.

I'll stick to pencil and ruler but will happily download a copy off you once its done lol

I'm a pencil and ruler bloke too but like to learn new stuff and with a phaeton rebuild with some tweaks coming up soon thought I might as well make as much use as possible out of my i5 doorstop.

FreeCAD is meant to be quite powerful, and is open source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/free-cad/

Cheers Ed

That's my 'after dark' sorted for a while, learning how to use that one.

So four or five hours last night working with the Melos dimensions and I have most of the horizontal and vertical parts done and in place, having a bit of bother getting things to rotate on an axis but I am sure I will sort it.


Had another twiddle with this here CAD thingy and this is the work so far.

Will all you Melos owners check it over and see where/if I have cocked up?

I know some bits still need tweaking but does the placement and size of the elements look ok?

This CAD drawing is missing at least a foot (maybe two) on the back end as there is another cross-member which carries the rear of the leaf spring. The rear cross-member in your diagram is approximately in line with the rear axle and the dampers fix to it.

Whatever happened to this CADification, did it ever get completed?

Still got it, just haven't had time to do anything with it. Evidently its in an odd format that nothing seems to be able to read other than the original program. I'm a hardware engineer all this soft stuff confuses me :-)

To be honest it served its purpose as it got Andy Kitchen his V5C back (or it will do if he ever gets to the VIC.) Seems the Robin Hood that had his reg looked nothing like this under the plastic so the DVLA inspector ruled that it wasn't a Dutton and removed the vehicle ID. 


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