
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

some pics of the rebuild process,

the top trailing arm bracket is broke......

the diff is sloping back a little (looking up) so that will need sorting.......

As you can see there isn't a lot of bracing in an S1 chassis, that will be sorted.

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whilst shopping with the wife today in "the Range" and they were selling a cheap "rolson" engraver for £4 so i thought i would give it a punt and it works fine for putting the vin number on the chassis.

Also i have run all the wires to the rear of the car (for the lights and fuel sender) and fitted the bonnet release cable as well as the boot release cable. also started to bleed the brakes but a 1/2 litre of brake fluid was not enough......trip out tomorrow.

by the end of this weekend i think it will be just about done and just needing paint..

Here is a bonnet badge i have been making from modeling clay its about 50mm wide. the center bar will have DUTTON on it.

Somebodies got too much free time!!! (see what the derv fumes are doing here)

the badge will be cut out in a circle of about 50mm diameter and then i am going to paint the blue bits black and cover it in red fibreglass resin.....the centre bit will have DUTTON carved into it and filled in in a contrast colour in the style of the club badge. however its a bonnet badge not the club badge so that's why it will be written through the centre. It should be possible to get them cast up in "White metal" (a lead/tin mix similar to pewter) for a few pounds each. if any of you out there are interested in one for your cars.

I got to play with my car the whole weekend and in the warm sunshine as well.....

so i got busy prepping the body work for paint and got the first top coat on, same colour as last year as i have 2L of unused paint and at £30 a litre it needs using....

i got a nice Gun finish.....and a couple of runs on the spoiler Grrr Grrr well its got a week to harden off and then i will flat it off and give it a re-coat...

and i have been playing with the bonnet badge, since no one has asked for pewter copy's i haven't looked further into getting them made.....it would be easy to sort out though.

Looks OK i think.

No one elce like my bonnet roundal?......i may start sulking........yeah well it ended up bigger than i planned but not by much, but it compares in size to the likes of BMW and VW so about right i think.
Its based on the club badge. sierra mountains and a Phaeton (the horse).....“thort it were obvious init“
I am not saying it is a club badge. i just thought that it might be an ida to have a badge (bonnet roundal) since dutton never made one, and a lot of the “7“ car clubs have one i thought we are as good as most of them and we have history. as no one was doing it i felt. ....why not?
Ahhh. look at the club badge.....the red one used by some members of This site as an avatar or on the cover of DT.
I wasn't assuming you were “getting“ at me, i like a bit of banter.
The club badge was arrived at via a club competition some years ago when the club was formed.

Dave, it looks like the horse has a very large .... odd shaped ...... Phallus hanging down between short stumpy legs.  Have always thought that about it, not just your one :-)


" a Phaeton (the horse) " Umm Thought a Phaeton was the sporty two seat horse drawn number not the horse itself, it always tickled me when VW luanched there luxury limo named Phaeton. perhaps both me and wikipedia have it wrong ! (who would have thought wiki would be wrong :-))))

Theres a guy on ebay does 'dutton' tax discs and the like using the 'dutton' logo was planning to plagourise this for my steering wheel boss. 

Paul S.

Horses do have an odd shaped appendage :-0



















once it has been explained to you the club badge makes sense and i thought quite ingenious.....


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