well im off till tomorrow , so ive been out enjoying it, Remembered a place in Folkestone that still does unf bolts and nuts , so it was on the bus, quite a nice run, if a bit long,2 1/2 hours .
It should have been quite a relaxing jouney, but i did not account for the 20 Spanish Teenagers, all girls who stormed on the bus,Pushing us who had queued aside then proceeded to chatter at the top of their voices all the way to Camber sands, the only good bit was the dress code, next to nothing, jeans cut to just below their bottoms and a top that was 2 sizes to small, every time i turned round i could hear those cell doors slamming, ha ha, but everyone let out a huge sigh of relief once they got off , except the strange gentleman at the very front wearing a raincoat and dark glasses !!
Why is it that continentals can not talk without everyone in the next county hearing , the only good thing is i got my nuts and bolts and enough petrol pipe to run that through the body and chassis also, all for a lot less that i would have from ebay
Man up you wuss, was hotter than that at wimbledon and they were running around (he says from under his ceiling fan)
It was pretty close to that in Bournemouth yesterday as well! We never got to go to France this year due to a job change and my present boss who wont pay me my outstanding wages.....
Sat in France it's 10:50 temp 31.1' yesterday went to Le Mans where it was 34' in the shade. Drove the RAV up the Mulsanne and through Arnage, didn't know you could drive nearly 2 thirds of the circuit. What an awesome place, will bore you later with a video, only wish it was the Phaeton bonnet you can see. Marian more wine please!!!
I'm at work, in a warehouse. At the top of the warehouse building it 40 degrees +
We are in a self contained unit thats badly made and even with 4 air con units we are struggling to get the temp below 30.
In true Manchester fashion its humid and muggy outside, very little shade as we have very little sun :-(
However, all that being said I am not complaining, I prefer warm to cold and this is just warm really.
Adelaide airport 1983, 48 degrees on the slightly soft tarmac...And it had been snowing at Heathrow 28 hours earlier so I was dressed for the cold.... Big mistake.
on the plus side I have low alcohol beer in the fridge at home and a breezy drive to work in tonight, Pizza and beer in the garage for me tonight :-)
I think its now safe to say that summer is here the roads down my neck of the woods are getting near to gridlock especially the main coast bound ones Tuesday the road from Rye to Camber certainly was, bumper to bumper , in the off season its a very good road to have a bit of a blast along as long as you remember the tight bends and deep ditches on either side but during the summer ,us locals avoid it like the plaque because once the temperature goes up, everyone seems to head there
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