
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

This site is 4 years old today, Actually started by Tim ( The Bodger ) Walker on the 15th Oct 2008, and the first member joined on the 16th Oct, Ben Mallinson.

In that time you the 149 members have posted 2972 Photos, started 567 Forum debates, 308 Blogs and 68 videos. 

In the last 4 years the site as been used daily. A great big THANKS to all involved. 

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Not even a PM to tell me!!!!!
Cowardly underhand and precious slimy low lifes.
Welcome to the DOC agree with us think like us or suffer the consequence. even when i request details to comply the complainant goes crying off to the team leader and does it with out saying that it has happened. boo hoo. only AS. lets me know but no chance is given.
Politeness even if falsly given costs nothing. i will remember.

anyone spot that i am a bit miffed.....

ooh unpleasant....knackered calliper or brake union? brake pipe/union is not uncommon...

overhauling triumph callipers is not impossible, however its generally not recommended as the mating surfaces of the two halves of the callipers do not have a conventional gasket...it is the tightness of the mating bolts and the equal pressure applied to them that makes the callipers fluid tight.

they are not too expensive to buy refurbed.......

i told a joke about savill in response to an earlier post....it was frowned upon by DT who took it into his head to be the moral arbiter of this forum, because you must understand some children might have been offended at the double entendre .....so after "asking me" to remove my post and before telling me how to do do took it upon his self to go and arrange for it to happen and edited them off...no discussion, no PM letting me know it happened just a patronising slap on the wrist and sent to bed with out any tea.

so i have taken it rather badly. as you could probably tell.

Oh yes, That joke abouts Ade's pussycats living in the garage and saying that herring gull tastes just like chicken back home , Ade found it very funny, but never mind, we have to protect those who are not as worldy wise as most of us are,  and mike H, you can hold hands if you like,  just be very very careful who its with, again some may  take offence  after all, in some countries they chop off your head for that!! .

Lets put the record straight here Dave I asked you to remove the posts, I did not REMOVE your posts, these must have been removed by the owner of the site. They were offensive for an open forum, I can laugh at these jokes in the right contextand in the right place. We all like a laugh but how do you know that there may be an adult member on here that as not suffered in the past. You didn't so lets leave it there. I await your apology regards removing your posts.

I would like to point out the title of this post and the fact that after reading back through it less than 50% of the comments are on topic.

We, as a group, have a habit of rambling off the point, maybe it's old age, maybe something else, who knows.

Snowy, as far as I am concerned those jokes were off topic and not even particularly funny. I don't think that asking you to remove them deserved the tirade of posts that have ensued since.

If I had been on my laptop I would have sent you a PM however I was on my phone and that wasn't possible. If you had removed the posts then I would have removed my comment. 

I didn't ask you to remove any posts, just gave you the method for doing so and pointing out that the jokes were off topic. The fact that you chose to carry on rather than remove them was entirely down to you.

Yes I know this a bit off topic :-)

I understand the issue over being PC asone complaint to Ning and the site would be closed down. I must however also point out that this is not a point of protecting children in fact its the opposite - Let me explain. Speaking to my sister earlier today the reporting of the Saville case on tea time news (yes really) prompted a discussion between my sister and her 10 year olds about what action they should take if they are approached by an unsavoury character. Not sure about my neices glee at being 'allowed' to bite, scratch and kick a potential assailant, but if such discussions are provoked up and down the country then maybe these unsavoury types wont get away with their behaviour in such a way in the future. In my view the way to protect the young is to educate them not molly codle them - the world is a bad place sometimes lets educate our kids so they understand this and give them the best chance.

Rant Over :-)

Well done again BV,

If kids don't get the chance to scuff their knees they will all be prey for the likes of saville.

Without wishing to step on anyones toes, might this be better as a discussion on its own  then prehaps we can have a measured , adult discussion about Policital Correctness and it's inpact on life today  


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