
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

Does any one have a clutch disc from a 2.0L pinto engine ( type 9,  5 speed) that they can measure the diameter of ?  Or do you knowledgable blokes know this from memory? 


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Give me 10 minutes...

I'll go out to the garage and measure mine.

It's sitting on the top of the tool box.

Times up!

215mm no need to look :-)

215 mm (8 1/2 inch), Vern's right as usual.

I shall however get my own back as I am going to upload some photo's and grill him in a minute...

215mm .... could  that also be classed as 220mm ?  the reason I ask, is that when using the 1800 zetec flywheel with its original clutch cover, it is reccomended that a 220mm 2.0L pinto clutch disc is used when mating 5sp type 9 to Zetec.      

oh dear you've taken the lid off the 45gallon drum of worms. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FWD and RWD clutch components cannot be interchanged and that includes the flywheel as the bolt and drive holes are different pitches

There are two ways to do this. the best way which to me is the easiest and the locost way which involves tearing out all your hair and spending money of several 'wrong' release brg's due to the wealth of mis-information and heresay on the internet.

What I have actually done on Ryan's Escort - the yellow MK1 with the black bonnet that was at Newark and on Marky Walkers Zetec turbo B+.

Redrill the 1.8 Zetec flywheel to take a stock Sierra clutch cover then use a stock 3in1 sierra clutch. 105speed and retroford can supply redrilled flywheels on exchange if you don't have a verticle milling M/C.


The locost alternative:

In theory there is a little known about capri 1600 release bearing. I don't know the part number and the internet is full of people telling you to us a part 'cos thats what they think it is. I can't think of any forum where you could ask and be sure of getting the right part. Maybe give  Burton Power a try. The release bearing should be 8mm longer than the normal sierra one as the zetec clutch cover is slimmer due to it being for front wheel drive.

If you use the stock sierra one then there's no clutch travel and the arm ends up at the end of the slot in the bellhousing.

You will also need a different starter to the pinto one as the ring gear on the flywheel is in a different place relative to the back of the block. the one you want is from a late sierra with the RWD CVH engine.

When re drilling, how did you ensure that you had the clutch cover central ?



Ahha, now I see the problem and the clutch kit isn't going to help much is it :-(

Is the DOHC plate a different size?

No, if I use the pinto clutch kit, I will have to re drill the flywheel, I think the other option is an early 1800 mondeo kit. very difficult, lots of people say different things !!!  Any defo advice on this one BV ? 

If the PCD on the crankshaft is the same would you not be better off using the complete flywheel and clutch?

PCD on pinto and zetec very different also pinto/dohc/cvh M10x1mm bolt threads Zetec M11 flywheel bolts. The only similarity between zetec and pinto flywheels is they are round :-)


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