It's got an mot, so what's wrong with it? next thing we know the DVLA will be putting blocks on our cars. He's not put a description on it so he doesn't get asked to justify himself.
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Oh I see the problem, been doing mine for over a year but it's pointless getting worked up and worrying about something that you have no control over and may not affect you. That's what I'm doing. IVA isn't difficult to get through and if a car fails it's usually for simple things or the builder hasn't done it right. Personally I can't afford £500 for an IVA but I'd rather save and pay and know my car's right than end up dead.
you are correct vern......however in practice that is not what they are about, not just yet anyway.
This problem was highlighted by myself on this forum and others a few years ago and i was laughed at as being paranoid....the thing is that the ability to do something eventually leads to it being done, even if the outcome is not as intended. as i understand historic mods are going to have a blind eye turned to them, but for how long? Europe is pressing our government to align our rules with theirs.......
That would mean no more modifying cars of any kind (not even swapping steel wheels for alloys) in Belgium for example if your car doesn't have a CAT then it's off the road.
Lets ALL take things one step at a time, and concentrate on getting our Duttons on the road, we have the backing of the club, if there are any issues with DVLA.
Europe is pressing our government to align our rules with theirs.......
No their not. That's just our government using it as an excuse if anything europe is aligning with us ie the IVA.
More modification is allowed now in Germany that was ever allowed before just ask your mate Tom. Yeras ago he'd never have been alowed to do what he's done to his Dutton.
Yes there are plans a foot to limit the use of non-cat cars in this country but most non-cat ares are likely to end up being exempted. As for historic mods mine arn't historic. The engine and gearbox I'm using didn't exist when my car was last used on the road - no way out of that one!
As someone who works for a Belgium company Dave get your facts right, My boss runs a 1930's Studebaker amonst other pre cat cars.
a family friend who lives in Belgium tells me that they can only run classic cars on weekends on approved roads to approved show venues and not as "everyday" cars, his English is not 100% but he speaks it better than some folk who have been born here and spoken it all their life. i dont think he was winding me up.
This just in from Belgium
Classic car = 25 y or older. Tax goes down to 30€/year. For insurance: 2 possibilities. A. Old timer insurance: than you go to an low level technical control (lights, brakes, steering, general view) only once but you only can drive to meetings or show or do a test drive in a radius of 25 km during day time (not commercial). B. Normal insurance: every year you have to pas the technical control (high level) also exhaust and suspension and insurance goes on 50% if you have an other car for daily use.
A: Old timer
Could this be what they are bringing in here for the old pre 60's car that don't need an MOT after November this year
perhaps he never thought to mention the two levels of insurance......interesting and less scary than i thought.....
Where has this come from, does any one know? Is it an official sorce or just speculation?
To quote Dave Taylor next thing we know the DVLA will be putting blocks on our cars. To quote Dave Adams the DVLA are putting barriers on our cars....change the colour and see what happens.
I don't know where this has come from and as I am one of the club liaisons with the DVLA maybe someone could point me in the right direction to find the source before I go ask them...
Since it seems to have come from Dave Adams maybe he can enlighten you though I thought you PM'ed me a while ago on just this subject. A flag against Duttons will mean when ever one comes to the attention of the DVLA they will want a VRO check. eg when a dutton that has been off the road for a while, VRO check as I'm sure you are aware is to check engine and chassis numbers match and to confirm no inappropriate modifications. The last of those could cause a few problems for people.
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