
Dutton Kit Cars and their owners

All Blog Posts (475)

Unhappy ebayer.....;-)


nothing to do with anyone here i hope........;-)

Added by Dave Adams on October 14, 2014 at 21:08 — 12 Comments

DUTTON mechanic needed

Hi all got a s4 today,needs a few little jobs doing
1wiper motor fitting,wiring in
2 hood fitting
3 few little things,not found but possible.
As some of you might know,my mechanical knowledge is on par with a slug
I'm prepared to pay cash,at whatever rate,to get these jobs done.it doesn't matter where you are in the country,as I go all over the place
Would anyone be interested?
Regards john w

Added by john w on October 6, 2014 at 19:08 — 5 Comments

a bit of luck for a change.

two days ago i bid on an ebay job lot of Car Mechanics magazines (48 magazines dating from 1961 onwards to the 70's) and won them. only when i went to pick them up the owners had found a few more to be included in with the sale. there is over 100 old mags. all for £15.00.......bargain.

some interesting stuff in them, several articles on various home built cars and adverts for early kit cars. very interesting article on upgrading your ford gear box ....from 3 speed to 4 speed. some…


Added by Dave Adams on September 25, 2014 at 20:06 — No Comments


i have two of these alloy wheels, a bit dirty here as they have been stored behind my shed for a few years. they fit triumph pcd  anyone interested in them speak up and make an offer (any i wont mind) or they go on ebay and i take my chances.....

i  also have a ford pepper-pot wheel as well if its useful to any one....…


Added by Dave Adams on September 20, 2014 at 9:41 — 2 Comments

HPG128K - Dutton Sierra Series 2 - rescued from an early grave?

Sierra II

So the saga of the gearbox rear seal continues. When it had the rear crank seal done the garage also fitted a prop/tailshaft seal which promptly leaked just as badly as the one they took out.

When I had the horrible vibration issue it was coming from the prop not fitting into the gearbox. Thinking this might have damaged the bush inside the…


Added by Adrian Southgate on September 7, 2014 at 20:00 — 99 Comments

donnington sat/sun

anyone need a lift down to the show,im coming from preston, then heading to brighton after

Added by john w on August 26, 2014 at 17:31 — 8 Comments

Donning ton

Hi all, are you having a owners area next weekend.?

Added by john w on August 24, 2014 at 17:09 — 5 Comments

Melos hardtop eBay

Any Melos owners need this?
eBay item 141365497469

Added by Nick carlin on August 8, 2014 at 21:06 — 3 Comments

Progress ?

Pretty pissed off tonight - I managed to put in a lot of hours over the last couple of weeks but didn't allow enough clearance. I'm trying to gain as much leg room as possible so I can actually get in and drive but I took key positions when the axle wasn't actually on full bump so now I have to do it all again!

I may have asked this before, but does anyone run bump stops for their axles?

I hope to make some positive progress over the weekend - at least I can attach my new chassis… Continue

Added by Mark Bagnall on July 4, 2014 at 23:42 — 2 Comments

ebay spot S2 chassis.......

ebay S2

body sold separately on ebay, also says it was on the road but no V5 now.........

Added by Dave Adams on May 31, 2014 at 10:53 — 6 Comments

vanishing posts?

is it me or is there a few missing posts on here?

Added by Dave Adams on May 24, 2014 at 14:04 — 19 Comments

wheel fitment


Site for alloy wheels so you can see what wheels from what car is likely to fit duttons.......

Added by Dave Adams on May 13, 2014 at 14:47 — 8 Comments

Phaeton s3 chassis pictures

Has anyone got pictures of what chassis should look like. Can't find any good pictures on line. Thanks

Added by Nick carlin on May 12, 2014 at 13:31 — 2 Comments

The DOC, A new vision?

I think that the DOC should do as most classic car clubs do and focus its efforts on preserving the Marque, members come and go all the time but the cars tend to remain. i dont think that the club should worry about organising social events for the members...the internet is better for doing that.

neither should it worry about flag waving and trying to attract new members, folks who buy a Dutton will join if the club offers something they want or need. And the "pool" of cars for…


Added by Dave Adams on May 3, 2014 at 8:58 — 31 Comments


Disaster......no seriously i have spent about 4 hours at a local hospital having checks done to determine why i have a persistent cough.......and....well it looks like i may have an allergy to chocolate.........now what do i do? i mean is it worth going on? 

Added by Dave Adams on May 1, 2014 at 16:38 — 3 Comments

stuff to take to stoneleigh

I could bring some of my spares if any one is willing to bid on a few....

i have a brand new 4-1 exhaust manifold for a pinto which has a 2" collector.

two spare pinto heads (carb versions) (my injection head is spoken for)

A 1300 Xflow head

Added by Dave Adams on April 26, 2014 at 20:43 — No Comments

The next Meeting of The Northern Duttoneer'

The next Meeting of The Northern Duttoneer's is Thursday 1st May at the usual place.
The Bludell Arms, Chorley Old Road, Bolton / Horwich. BL6 6PY.
We'll be there from 8pm, the quizz starts at 9. Come along everyone welcome.

Added by The Northern Duttoneer's on April 24, 2014 at 20:38 — 2 Comments

Ecu & Induction Advice Please

I see my options as 

1,  bike throttle bodies' aftermarket ecu - expensive

 2, keep the Jag in take and use X Type wiring loom and ecu, think this is related to the Ford EEC V ecu - cheap solution but the ugly intake might have to poke out of the bonnet

3,  Fit an ST 24 intake, cable throttle body and aftermarket ecu.  

You thoughts as to the best solution please

Added by Dave Price on April 23, 2014 at 21:12 — 2 Comments

What would you call this dog?

Added by Dave Adams on April 12, 2014 at 11:00 — No Comments

Q91CMV - Dutton Legerra ZS Series 2


So, MOT sorted by the skin of its teeth, loads to do before tomorrow morning, panic has set it due to a little mishap with the pedal box...

How many of you fitted metal spreader plates between the pedal box and the bulkhead? Here is something for those of you with pinto engines to think about.

I didn't see this coming 8 years ago when I re built…


Added by Adrian Southgate on April 11, 2014 at 17:30 — 211 Comments

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